funny, a nice little skit about christmas. i had a little trouble with the language. but other than that this is pretty good. (i think you can do better animation).
funny, a nice little skit about christmas. i had a little trouble with the language. but other than that this is pretty good. (i think you can do better animation).
Yeah, I could have made an English version, but I was tired of doing stuff, hehe
And thanks ^_^
Will try harder next time
ok then
me too i noticed it because i had watched tekkoninkreet last week and that was blacks evil side.
seriously i need the 11th installment on this madness day. pls i would love this maness day to be a special one ( well they all are ) but i want the story of what happened to tricky.
-DJ w.
awesome so funny it appeals to a country side in all of us nice animation though love 2 see more of this ^^
thanks4 the pleasant dreams
i want to see the movie if u would make it but this preview is awesome!!!!
...ok then...
lol i love this review in any form^^
Trying to become an artist. and the creator of "The Angels of Mech" my idea I'm trying to make into a comic series.
Fluvanna high
I live in your dreams.
Joined on 11/20/11