i like how u made de alien
i like how u made de alien
awesome glad u used actual star warz sounds ive benn a fan since pencilmation #10 ross b.
lol he haz no mouth hes like:fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk HAHA sez nelson from the simpsons
ross u did it again awesome
what de hell iz puppy vision?!
guitar solo wuz a fail
right ok then ha
u toatally ripped off die hard witch iz de best action film evarz also i liked wen dat guy poked hiz head out . he wuz like :D then babababam brainz everywhere pls fav meh
Trying to become an artist. and the creator of "The Angels of Mech" my idea I'm trying to make into a comic series.
Fluvanna high
I live in your dreams.
Joined on 11/20/11